Quick Stress Relief

Jan 06, 2020

"High levels of stress, even over a short period of time, produce negative results such as prolonged healing times, reduction in ability to cope and heightened vulnerability to infection."   - Dartmouth Journal of Science

Those are serious side effects. And if that's not bad enough....it's hard on the ego too.
Here's why.
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An Authentic Life

Jan 01, 2020
Like an itch, you can feel uncomfortable when you're not living your deepest truth.
You live half truths for yourself when you do work you don't love. Or when you stay in a relationship that's gone south or don't say what you think or doubt your self worth.
(That's why you love yoga....it never fails to bring you back to feeling, well, feeling YOU.)

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Dec 30, 2019
Energy gets funky.
Some days it feels like an uphill climb. You’re tempted to be mediocre. Or quit.
ANYONE who must show up day after day and deliver needs to find a way to be their best. Whether it's parenting, teaching, creating, healing or leading.
You’ve got important work to do in the world and can’t afford...
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Meaningful Work

Oct 04, 2019
I was talking to someone today who is a very busy person. Mayor of a city, in fact.

With a full schedule, she has to be selective about her time. So she creates a couple hours of focused time for her own personal needs; like our yoga sessions together. By doing that, she has greater focus and impact in the meaningful work she does.

I've noticed there is a direct correlation between my...

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Beware of the Yoga Scam

Aug 10, 2019
Your 200 hours of yoga training was amazing but made your head spin.

Sure, it taught you the basics but left you still feeling insecure about being ready to actually teach.

Maybe you’re feeling discouraged and a little confused. You want to feel excited again. This guide will help.

I get it.

All that information overload... it's enough to make some people give up and shrink...

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Enjoying The Ride?

Jul 11, 2019

I watch how the kids love to twirl in circles - whether dancing or riding a carousel. It just feels good. Wonder why?

 We are all composed of energy that whirls and flows; dynamic and changeable energy wheels. Trauma or daily stress can throw your energy out of whack and when these energy wheels, called chakras, get unbalanced life can feel harder than it...

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It's BEYOND The Pose

Jun 12, 2019

If true spiritual growth and satisfaction came from mastering difficult yoga poses, most of us would experience enlightenment only in our dreams.

Real yoga wants us to wake up.

It tells us to awaken and stop moving through our life as sleepwalkers, caught up in the dream that what we see is the only reality that exists.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Literally.


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The Happiness Protocol

May 27, 2019

There is power in happiness!

(We downplay that in our culture, as if "just trying to be happy" isn't a noble goal.)

I remember feeling a bit embarrassed when my daughter Leah, then a 3rd grader, told me about the class essay they wrote about what their parents do.

Did she write about my work? My paintings? My fitness program? Nah...


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Level Up Your Happiness

Apr 05, 2019

Think about your last great vacation.

What was the best part of your trip? Hanging out with family or friends? Staring out at the ocean? Wandering through an amazing city? 

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that it was fabulous because you were relaxed and engaged. You slowed down and you were tuned in.


You returned feeling refreshed and more connected to yourself.

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Healthy Squash Muffins

Mar 08, 2019

Here is the recipe for squash muffins that you've been asking for since I blogged about them a few months ago.

These dense, fiber rich muffins are a delicious alternative to empty calorie, refined baked goods.

They contain the perfect balance of sweet and rich, while being a truly nourishing complex carbohydrate food that will give you energy for hours.

This recipe is power packed with highly...

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